Employee Write-Up Instructions
These are the directions on how to complete an employee write-up.
1. Click on “Employees”
2. Click on the employee you want to make change to.
3. You will now see their employee profile.
4. on the top right of the page locate “Forms Requiring Signature.”
5. Click on the drop down menu.
6. Click on Employee Write-up.
7. Enter data fields, then scroll to bottom and click Save.
8. If any required fields are missing you will receive a message alert, read message, and click OK.
9. Once all fields are filled in correctly, it will allow you to save, and notify you that a task has been created. At this point you can close the window, and come back to the task later if you want, or precede on.
10. If you have closed the task, go to your My Task portion of Eight and click on the Employee Warning task for that employee.
11. Review the write-up with the employee, allow them to input comments if they desire, then input your PIN, have the employee input their password, and click on the Send to my Supervisor button.
12. The completed write-up will appear with digital signatures applied, review, then click Submit to close.